Inorganic Colourants for Pharma    





Inorganic Colourants for Pharma


Common Name Iron Oxide Red Iron Oxide Yellow Iron Oxiide Black Iron Oxide Brown
Colour Index No 77491 77492 77499 77491/92/99
E.E.C. No E-172 E-172 E-172 E-172
CAS No 1309-37-1 51274-00-1 1309-38-2 1309-37-1/51274-00-1/1309-38-2
Identification of Ferric Salt As per USP As per USP As per USP As per USP
Water Soluble substance percent by mass Max 1.00 Max 1.00 Max 1.00 Max 1.00
Acid Insoluble substances, percent by mass Max 0.3 Max 0.3 Max 0.3 Max 0.3
Organic Colours & lakes As per USP As per USP As per USP As per USP
Mercury (mg/kg) Max 3.0 Max 3.0 Max 3.0

Max 3.0

Arsenic (mg/kg) Max 3.0 Max 3.0 Max 3.0 Max 3.0
Lead (mg/kg) Max 10.0 Max 10.0 Max 10.0 Max 10.0
Assay as Fe203 as ignited basis 97.0% - 100.5% 97.0% - 100.5% 97.0% - 100.5% 97.0% - 100.5%
Microbial limit Test:        
A) Total Microbial Count NMT 50 cfu/g NMT 50 cfu/g NMT 50 cfu/g NMT 50 cfu/g
B) E.Coli NMT 50 cfu/g Absent in 10g Absent in 10g Absent in 10g  
C) Salmonella Absent in 10g Absent in 10g Absent in 10g Absent in 10g
D) Pseudomonas Absent in 10g Absent in 10g Absent in 10g Absent in 10g
E) S.aureus Absent in 10g Absent in 10g Absent in 10g Absent in 10g
F) Yeast & Mold NMT 50 cfu/g NMT 50 cfu/g NMT 50 cfu/g NMT 50 cfu/g


 Water Soluble Colourants for Pharma    


Water Soluble Colourants for Pharma


Common Name Allura Red Tartrazine Sunset Yellow Brilliant Blue Indigo Carmine Erythrocine
2 Colour Index No 16035 19140 15985 42090 73015 45430
E.E.C. No E 129  E 102 E 110 E 133 E 132 E 127
FD&C No Red 40 Yellow 5 Yellow 6 Blue 1 Blue 2 Red 3
Colour Index Reference (food) Red 17  Yellow 4 Yellow 3 Blue 2 Blue 1 Red 14 
Indian Standard No. --  1694 1695 6406 1698 1697
3 PURITY TEST            
Pure Dye Content (% MIN) 85 87 87 85 85 87
Loss on Drying at 1350C & Sodium Chloride/sulphates (% MAX) 14 13 13 15


Water Insoluble Matter (% MAX) 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
Ether Extractable Matter (% MAX) 0.2 0.2  0.2  0.2  0.2  0.2 
Subsidiary Dyes (% MAX) 3 1 3 3 1 4
Organic Compounds other than Colouring Matters (% MAX) 1.5 0.5 0.5 1.8 0.5 0.4
Unsulfonated Primary Aromatic Amines (% MAX) 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 N.A.
Arsenic (AS' As') PPM (MAX) 1 1 1 1 1
Lead (AS' Pb') PPM (MAX) 10 10  10  10  10  10 
Mercury (AS' Hg') PPM (MAX)
Cadmium (AS' Cd') PPM (MAX)
Heavy Metals PPM (MAX) 40  40  40  40  40  40 
pH3 Stable  Stable  Stable  Slight Fade After 10 Days  Appreciable Fade After 9 Days  Precipitate (Insoluble)
pH7 Stable   Stable Stable  Very Slight Fade After 8 Days  Considerable Fade After 6 Days  Stable
pH8 Stable   Stable Stable  Very Slight Fade After 6 Days   Fades Completely Stable




Common Name Amaranth Carmoisine Ponceau 4R Quinoline Yellow WS Brown HT Black PN Patent Blue V
2 Colour Index No 16185 14720 16255 47005 20285 28440 42051
E.E.C. No E 123  E 122 E 124 E 104 E 155 E 151 E 131
FD&C No - - - - - - -
Colour Index Reference (food) Red 9 Red 3 Red 7 Yellow 13 Brown 3 Black 1 Blue 5
Indian Standard No. --  2923 2558 -- -- -- --
3 PURITY TEST              
Pure Dye Content (% MIN) 85 85 82 70 70 80 85
Loss on Drying at 1350C & Sodium Chloride/sulphates (% MAX) 15 15 18 30 30


Water Insoluble Matter (% MAX) 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2  
Ether Extractable Matter (% MAX) 0.2 0.2 0.2  0.2  0.2  0.2   
Subsidiary Dyes (% MAX) 3 1 1 4 10 10 2
Organic Compounds other than Colouring Matters (% MAX) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.5
Unsulfonated Primary Aromatic 0.01   0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
Amines (% MAX)              
Arsenic (AS' As') PPM (MAX) 1 1 1 1 3 3 3
Lead (AS' Pb') PPM (MAX) 10 10 10  10  10  10  10 
Mercury (AS' Hg') PPM (MAX) 1
Cadmium (AS' Cd') PPM (MAX) 1
Heavy Metals PPM (MAX) 40  40 40  40  40  40  40 
pH3 Stable  Stable  Stable  Stable  Stable  Stable  Appreciable Fade after 8 days
pH7 Stable  Stable   Stable Stable  Stable  Stable  Appreciable Fade after 8 days
pH8 Stable  Stable   Stable Stable  Stable  Stable  Appreciable Fade after 8 days

 Organic Lake-Colourants for Pharma    

Organic Lake-Colourants for Pharma



Common Name Lake Tartrazine Lake Sunset Yellow Lake Brilliant Blue Lake Indigo Carmine Lake Allura Red
Colour Index No 19140:1 15985:1 42090:1 73015:1 16035:1
E.E.C. No E-102 E-110 E-133 E-132 E-129
FD&C No Yellow 5 Yellow 6 Blue 1 Blue 2 Red 40
Pigment No Yellow 100 Yellow 104   Blue 63  
Heat Resistance 90 90 90 90 90
Dye Content % Regular 12-17% 12-17% 12-17% 12-17% 12-17%
                  Premium 22-27% 22-27% 22-27% 22-27% 22-27%
             Extra Premium 32-40% 32-40% 32-40%


Loss on Drying at 105 C 17 17 17 17 17
2 Hrs(Not More Than) %          
pH 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5
Arsenic PPM (MAX)  1 1 1 1 1
Lead PPM (MAX) 10 10 10 10 10
Heavy Metals PPM (MAX) 10 10 10 10 10



Common Name Lake Erythrosine Lake Ponceau 4R Lake Carmoisine Lake Amaranth Lake Quinolline Yellow
Colour Index No 45430:1 16255:1 14720:1 16185:1 47005:1
E.E.C. No E-127 E-124 E-122 E-123 E-104
FD&C No          
Pigment No Red 172     Red 193 Yellow 115 
Heat Resistance 90 90 90 90 90
Dye Content % Regular 12-17% 12-17% 12-17% 12-17% 12-17%
                  Premium 22-27% 22-27% 22-27% 22-27% 22-27%
             Extra Premium 32-40% 32-40% 32-40%


Loss on Drying at 105 C 17 17 17 17 17
2 Hrs(Not More Than) %          
pH 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5
Arsenic PPM (MAX)  1 1 1 1 1
Lead PPM (MAX) 10 10 10 10 10
Heavy Metals PPM (MAX) 10 10 10 10 10


 Edible Printing Inks for Pharma    


Edible Printing Inks for Pharma


Product Code No. C.I No. of Pigment  
White WB - 9001 77891
  SB - 9001 77891
Black WB - 9999 77499
  SB - 9999 77499
Red WB - 9035 16035:1
  SB - 9035 16035:1
  WB - 9070 75470
  SB - 9070 75470
  WB - 9055 16255
  WB - 9055 16255
Blue WB - 9090 42090:1
  SB - 9090 42090:1
Yellow WB - 9040 19140:1
  SB - 9040 19140:1



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