

Djazagro From 12th to 15th of April 2010  Algier - Algeria
Food Ingredients Central & Eastern Europe (FiCEE 2010) From 25th to 27th of May 2010  Warsaw - Poland
Fi SOUTH AMERICA From 8th to 10th of June 2010  Sao Paulo - Brazil
Argena 2010 From 1st to 3rd of July 2010  Cairo - Egypt
IUFoST From 22nd to 26th of August 2010  Cape Town - South Africa

SPACE 2010

From 14th to 17th of September 2010 Paris - France

SIAL 2010

From 17th to 21st of October 2010 Paris - France
Euro Tier 2010 From 16th to 19th of November 2010 Hanover - Germany
International Feed EXPO 2011 From 26th to 28th of January 2011  Atlanta - USA
Gulfood 2011 From 27th of February to 3rd of March 2011 Dubai - UAE
Agrame 2011 From 29th to 31st of March 2011 Dubai - UAE



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